Welcome to Teresa Phelps

At Teresa Phelps, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality writing services that touch the heart. Our words are infused with emotion and translate experiences that resonate with the entire human journey. Whether it's healthcare articles, blog posts, or creative pieces, we bring a unique perspective to every project.


Healthcare Articles

Our healthcare articles provide valuable insights and information to educate and empower readers on various health topics.

Blog Writing

Our blog writing services help businesses establish their online presence and engage their target audience with compelling content.

Creative Content

Our creative content brings stories to life, immersing readers in captivating narratives that leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics do you specialize in?

We specialize in health care writing, including medical research, wellness, and patient education.

How do I request a writing project?

To request a writing project, simply fill out the contact form on our website or send us an email with your requirements.

What is your turnaround time?

Our turnaround time depends on the scope and complexity of the project. We strive to deliver high-quality work within reasonable timelines.

“Working with Teresa Phelps has been an absolute pleasure. Her writing captures the essence of our healthcare organization and connects with our audience on a deep level. Her words have the power to inspire and move people. Highly recommend!”

— Sarah Thompson

Contact us

Get in touch with us to discuss your writing needs and how we can help you make an impact with our heartfelt words.


Teresa Phelps
Grand Haven, Michigan, United States

About us

Teresa Phelps is a freelance health care writer based in Grand Haven, Michigan. With a passion for writing straight from the heart, Teresa aims to create content that goes beyond surface-level information. Her words delve deep into the human experience, capturing emotions and translating them into impactful stories. Through her unique perspective, Teresa brings a fresh voice to the world of writing.